Favorable IL Supreme Court Decision

Illinois Supreme Court Decision - September 21, 2006
HealthLink has been in litigation over its Illinois provider administrative fee for the past four years, and has not collected physician administrative fees during most of this time period. On September 21, 2006, the Illinois Supreme Court unanimously concluded that HealthLink's flat fee is valid. As a result, HealthLink is entitled to resume collection of the flat fee charges to Illinois physicians, including past due amounts from the inception of the flat fee in 2002.

HealthLink Collection Policy - Update November 20, 2006
As a show of good will toward our Illinois physicians, HealthLink has decided to forego collection of any and all uncollected administrative fees prior to September 1, 2006. HealthLink will begin collecting Provider Administrative Fees each month beginning with the amount of the September 2006 invoice.

This is the notification letter sent to participating Illinois providers on November 17, 2006.

Provider Admin Collection Policy